Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Non-verbal Comunication

non-verbal comunication is very important, i agree with this tipe of comunication because you need to make the people or the listener to understand what you are trying to say, we need to dress well to cause a good impression exprese yourself; for exammple when you are in a job interview the way you look, the way you talk cause the first impression if you dont cause a first good impression you probably wont get that job, other example is when you are explaining something to someone, you need to give this message easiest way to understand it, it helps a lot with the conversation because makes you understand better what the other people are saying.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Minority Subcultures

The gay community or LGBT that means Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender is a community that is all over the world although in Colombia they are not that recognized because they’re just starting to grow up as a community and being accepted by all the people. This community celebrates pride, diversity, individuality and sexuality. This community is working for sexual equality and sexual freedom also for being accepted as normal people who deserve the same rights than any other person.
A professor in Colombia demanded the article 46 of the constitution which prohibits the causes of misbehavior in the teaching activity because this article has homosexuality as one of this causes.
He demanded this article because it states as unconstitutional because of being against articles 13, 15, 16, 25 and 26. And the article 46 also violates the free personality development, equality and the intimacy rights, which demands that all the people should be treated with equality and that people should not discriminate by sexual reasons, that everybody is free to choose his life including sexual orientation and that sexuality is part of the intimacy of each one and it has no relation with the abilities or aptitudes of the people.
Personally I think that this community should be accepted in the society because all of them have the same rights that everybody, they are not different just by their sexual orientations and they have same opportunities capacities and aptitudes than everybody. Is their life, that's what they've picked for them and it do not affects others life.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Cultural differences

In these days its normal to see two persons that love each other and belong to diferent cultures, both persons need to respect each other no matter what happens in their life, the most common problem between this kind of relationships is the family, because they are from the same culture, and if they are going to have an other person in their family, its normal that they want that person to be from the same culture, but not allways is like they want, they need to know that you cant choose the person that you are going to fall in love with, and for own good of the family they have to let that happen, if they dont approve that it could be bad for the whole family because it may cause troubles between the family and the one that is getting married, in conclussion everybody need keep away all the stereotypes and focus in what really matters, the love.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Cultures and Languages !!

Its important to preserve and protect these cultures because a lot of them shows what is to be a human being, if we dont protect them we are going to be a single society without any good things to show to the world, many of these cultures prove that there are people that have different believes and actitudes that make us uniques, in the first video Wade Davis said "language is not just a body of vocabulary or set of gramatical rules, its a flash of the human spirit...", i think he wanted us to know that we must preserve those languages and cultures, language and cultures are ways to expres ourselves, we are contributing to make the wold special and more interesting, i disagree with have just one language and one culture because the world would be much boring and we wouldnt have something special and unique to show to the other people from  other countries and cultures.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Hi!, im Aldair Dederlé, im studing mechanical engineering at universidad del Norte in barranquilla, im studing this career because i like everything that involves machines and how they work, im also an english student, im studing english because is a universal way to comunicate with other people from other countries and is an universal language.